(Not-so) Recent News
Rohan visiting Bekinschtein Lab, Cambridge
Mon, 17/10/2022
MRC-AMED meeting in Karuizawa, RIKEN/ATR visit
Mon, 28/09/2022
Michael Goard visiting the lab
Thurs, 08/09/2022
Lab Posters at FENS
July 9-13, 2022
Thu, 12/03/2020
Mon, 24/02/2020
Thu, 07/11/2019

Welcome to Abhishek Banerjee's Lab Homepage.
Abhi is a Professor of Neuroscience at Barts and the London School of Medicine/Queen Mary and a PI at the University of Oxford, UK. Abhi's lab is interested in studying neural circuit mechanisms underlying the flexibility of decision-making and how circuit dysfunctions arise in animal models of neurological disorders.

The research in the Adaptive Decisions Lab is focused on understanding the dynamics of micro and mesoscopic circuits, with the primary goal to elucidate how dysfunction in mechanisms at either spatial scale leads to pathophysiology in autism spectrum disorders. We achieve this by combining rodent behavioural tasks with novel mesoscopic and 2-photon calcium imaging, optogenetics, and region-specific CRISPR-Cas9 editing of disease-related genes.
Flexible decision-making in humans (Dr Burkhard Pleger, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany)
Emerging algorithms in reinforcement learning (Prof. Walter Senn, Universität Bern, Switzerland)
Bayesian models of behaviour (Prof. Mark Humphries, University of Nottingham, UK)
Reinforcement learning models of behaviour (Prof. Chris Summerfield, University of Oxford, UK)
Neuromorphic engineering and machine learning (Dr Mattia Rigotti, IBM, Switzerland)
Decoding Statistical Nature of Decision-making in Rodents
Inhibitory Interneurons in Neural Circuit Function and Dysfunction
Cellular and Molecular mechanisms behind Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Brain-wide PV+ interneuron distribution

Cell-specific MeCP2 deletion in Rett syndrome
Synapse-specific Plasticity
and Learning Rules
Emerging algorithms in Reinforcement Learning
Investigating Task-dependent Neural Dynamics in Cortical Circuits

Patch-clamp slice electrophysiology

Local and long-range cortico-thalamic projections
Ca2+ responses from cortical L2/3 neurons