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Abhi is happy to discuss potential Ph.D. and Postdoc opportunities as well as sponsoring externally-funded fellowships. Please email Abhi at for an informal inquiry.

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Dr Abhishek Banerjee


Abhi is the head of Adaptive Decisions Lab. Abhi did his D.Phil. at the University of Oxford as a Felix Scholar. He was a Simons Fellow at MIT and a Teaching Fellow in Neurobiology at Harvard University. He was then a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow and NARSAD Young Investigator at the University of Zürich. 


Jasper Teutsch


Jasper is a PhD student in the lab. He is studying flexible learning in long-range cortico-cortical circuits. He has an M.Sc. in Translational Neuroscience from Universitat Ulm, Germany.


Anastasia Dimitriou


Anastasia is a PhD student in the lab. She is studying thalamocortical plasticity in PFC. She was an MRes in Neuroscience student at Newcastle University, UK.


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Abhi is the PI of Adaptive Decisions Lab. Abhi did his D.Phil. at University of Oxford as a Felix Scholar. He was a Simons Fellow at MIT and a Teaching Fellow in Neurobiology at Harvard University. He was then a Marie Curie Fellow and NARSAD Young Investigator at University of Zürich. 


Jasper Teutsch


Jasper is a PhD student in the lab. He is studying flexible learning in long-range cortico-cortical circuits. He has an M.Sc. in Translational Neuroscience from Universitat Ulm, Germany.

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Rohan Rao


Rohan is a prestigious Reece Foundation PhD student in the lab. He is studying decision-making in humans using cognitive tasks and EEG recordings. He was a Master's student in Physics at Oxford University, UK.


Klara Hatinova


Klara is a PhD student studying the neurobiology of Dopamine and value learning, with an interest in neuropsychiatric conditions. She did her MSc in Clinical and Therapeutic Neuroscience at the University of Oxford and consequently worked as a research assistant in the Department of Experimental Psychology. 


Debora Alvim


Debora is a 4th year Medical student in the lab. She is exploring human sensory processing by designing new cognitive tasks together with EEG and fMRI recordings. 


Marie Habart


Marie is a postdoctoral researcher working on the molecular bases of social behaviour, specifically focusing on neurodevelopmental disorders. She received a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship from the Fyssen Foundation. She did a PhD in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science in Professor Angela Sirigu's lab at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France.


Miruna Costreie


Miruna is a postdoctoral researcher in the lab. Her research focuses on understanding the cellular function and neural connectivity underlying behavioural flexibility and attentional feedback mechanisms. She did her PhD in Neuroscience in Institut Pasteur, Paris in David DiGregorio's lab as part of the PPU international program.


Rachel Thomson


Rachel was an MRes Neuroscience student in the lab. She will be studying flexible learning brain circuitry using mice, and previously studied Biology with Industrial Experience at Manchester University. 

Now: PhD student at Southampton University.


Zhi Hao


Zhi Hao was a MSc student in the lab. He is exploring possible neural mechanisms underlying flexible decision-making using tensor decomposition and machine learning techniques. He has a BSc in neuroscience from University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland.


Marco Bocchio


Marco was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the lab. Marco did his D.Phil. and his first postdoc at University of Oxford. He was then an FRM and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at INMED, Aix-Marseille University in Rosa Cossart's lab.

Now: Lecturer at Durham University, UK


David Haydock


David was a Master's student in Computational Neuroscience in the lab. He analysed neuronal response dynamics using tensor component analysis. He has a B.Eng. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. 

Now: PhD student at University of Hertfordshire, UK

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Elena Stebbings


Elena is an undergraduate studying Psychology and Biology. She is curious about how deep learning can be applied to ameliorate neuropsychiatric diseases and is excited to be doing her dissertation in the lab.

Now: MRes student at University of Oxford (Burnett Lab)


Peng Shao


Peng was an M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering student in the lab. He explored the complex cognition of rodents in response to tactile sensory processing through building Arduino and python-based behavioural interfaces and has a B.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering.

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Giuseppe Parente


Giuseppe did his B.Sc. in Physics from Universita di Tor Vergata. He worked with Abhi in Zurich and implemented sophisticated analytical tools to study learning dynamics.


Matteo Cartiglia 


Matteo was a Master's student studying Biomedical Engineering at ETH-Zurich.  He worked with Abhi to build a virtual-reality set-up to study hippocampal circuit dynamics. 

Ph.D. student with Giacomo Indiveri, ETH-Zurich. Now in IMEC R&D, Leuven. 


Karolina Ignatiadis


Karolina was a Master’s student studying computational neuroscience at ETH-Zurich. She worked with Abhi modelling response dynamics of Ca2+ signals in 2P-imaging.


Now: Ph.D. student at Austrian Academy of Sciences Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna


Chiara Rickenbach


Chiara was a Master's student in Neurobiology at ETH-Zurich. She ​worked with Abhi to investigate hippocampal circuits in contextual reward processing. 

Now: PhD Student at University of Zurich, Immunology of Neurodegeneration


Team News

New paper in Current Opinion in Behavioural Sciences 

Reinforcement-driven learning in the neocortex: Emerging computational concepts - Banerjee et al. 2021

March 30, 2021 doi:

New paper in Nature

September 03, 2020

Value-guided remapping of sensory circuits by lateral orbitofrontal cortex -- Banerjee et al. 2020


We investigated two important aspects of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex function in this manuscript: how OFC neurons encode decision variables in a tactile reversal learning task and how OFC instructs S1 to implement learned stimulus–outcome associations. 

New preprint in bioRxiv

March 12, 2020

Value-guided remapping of sensory circuits by lateral orbitofrontal cortex in reversal learning -- Banerjee et al. 2020


AREADNE abstract accepted

February 24, 2020

Abstract collaborating with Matthias Tsai and Walter Senn is accepted for the AREADNE Neurocomputation meeting


Abhishek Banerjee1,3*†, Matthias C. Tsai 2*, Giuseppe Parente1, Willem A.M. Wybo2, Jasper Teutsch 1,3, Fritjof Helmchen1*, Walter Senn 2*

1 Brain Research Institute, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

2 Department of Physiology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

3 Biosciences Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Talk at McGill, Montréal

November 7, 2019

Visiting McGill University Neuroscience center, hosted by Jesper Sjöström. Fantastic time visiting old and new colleagues.. 

Dr. Abhishek Banerjee
Associate Professor in Systems Neuroscience, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University Medical School
Title: Cognitive switches and adaptive neural dynamics in cortical circuits
Host: Jesper Sjöström

Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
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