Articles (Original)

Tsai MC, Teutsch J, Wybo W, Helmchen F, Banerjee A, Senn W (2024) Hierarchy of prediction errors shapes the learning of context-dependent sensory representations BioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.09.30.615819
Wang BA, Veismann M, Banerjee A†, Pleger B† (2023) Human orbitofrontal cortex signals decision outcomes to sensory cortex during behavioural adaptations. Nature Communications. †Corresponding author. PMID: 37322004.
Zerbi V et al. (2021) Brain mapping across 16 autism mouse models reveals a spectrum of functional connectivity subtypes. Molecular Psychiatry 12:7610-7620. BioRxiv Preprint: doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.15.340588. Spectrum News: https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/autism-mouse-models-cluster-by-brain-activity-pattern/. PMID: 34381171.
Gigliucci V, Teutsch J, Busnelli M, Chini B, and Banerjee A (2022) Circuit-specific rescue of KCC2 by rhIGF-1 and oxytocin in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. Cerebral Cortex. †Corresponding author. PMID: 34791112.
Banerjee A*, Parente G, Teutsch J, Lewis C, Voigt FF and Helmchen F (2020) Value-guided remapping of sensory cortex by lateral orbitofrontal cortex in reversal learning. Nature 585, 245-250. *Corresponding author
PMID: 32884146. BioRxiv doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.11.982744. Press Release: EurekAlert.
Banerjee A*, Rikhye RV*, Breton-Provencher V, Tang X, Li C, Li K, Runyan C, Fu Z, Jaenisch R, and Sur M (2016) Jointly reduced inhibition and excitation underlies circuit-wide changes in cortical processing in Rett Syndrome PNAS 15;113(46):E7287-E7296. PMID: 27803317.
Swiech L*, Heidenreich M*, Banerjee A et al. (2014) In vivo interrogation of gene function in the mammalian brain using Crispr-Cas9 In Press, Nature Biotechnology 33(1):102-6. PMID: 25326897.
Castro JS*, Garcia RI*, Kwok S, Banerjee A et al. (2014) Functional recovery with recombinant human IGF1 treatment in a mouse model of Rett syndrome. PNAS 111(27):9941-6. PMID: 24958891.
Banerjee A et al. (2014) Distinct mechanisms of spike timing-dependent LTD at vertical and horizontal inputs onto L2/3 pyramidal neurons in mouse barrel cortex. Physiological Reports. PMID: 24760524.
Rodríguez-Moreno A, González-Rueda A*, Banerjee A*, Upton AL*, Craig MT and Paulsen O (2013) Presynaptic self-depression at developing neocortical synapses. Neuron 1:35-42 (*Equal contribution). PMID: 23312514.
Mellios N*., Sugihara H*., Castro J., Banerjee A., et al., (2011) miR-132, an experience-dependent microRNA, is essential for ocular dominance plasticity in visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience Sep 4. doi: 10.1038/nn.2909. [Epub ahead of print] (*Equal contribution). PMID: 21892155.
Banerjee A*, Meredith RM*, Rodríguez-Moreno A, Mierau SB, Auberson YP and Paulsen O. (2009) Double Dissociation of Spike Timing-Dependent Potentiation and Depression by Subunit-Preferring NMDA Receptor Antagonists in Mouse Barrel Cortex. Cerebral Cortex 19: 2959-2969 (*Equal contribution). PMID: 19363149.
Reviews and Opinion

Banerjee A, Rikhye RV and Marblestone A (2021) Reinforcement-driven learning in the neocortex: Emerging computational concepts. Current Opinion in Behavioural Sciences 38:133-140.
Banerjee A, Miller M, Li K, Sur M and Kaufmann W (2019) Towards a better diagnosis and treatment of Rett syndrome: A model synaptic disorder. Brain 2:239-248. PMID: 30649225
Feldman D*, Banerjee A, and Sur M (2015) Developmental dynamics of Rett syndrome (In press, Neural Plasticity, 1Corresponding author; *Equal contribution). PMID: 26942018
Banerjee A, Larsen R, Philpot B, Paulsen O (2015) Roles for presynaptic NMDA receptors in neurotransmission
and plasticity. Trends In Neurosciences 39:26-39. PMID: 26726120
Scholl B & Banerjee A (2014) Synaptic correlates of binocular convergence: just a coincidence? Journal of Neuroscience, 27:8931-3. (1Corresponding author) PMID: 24990913
Banerjee A, Romero-Lorenzo E and Sur M (2013) MeCP2: Making sense of missense in Rett Syndrome. Invited Review, Cell Research. Aug 13. doi: 10.1038/cr.2013.109. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23938294
Banerjee A, Castro J and Sur M (2012) Rett syndrome: genes, synapses, circuits, and therapeutics. Front. Psychiatry 3:34. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00034. PMID: 22586411
Rodriguez Moreno A, Banerjee A and Paulsen O (2010) Presynaptic NMDA receptors and spike timing -dependent long-term depression at cortical synapses. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 2:18. doi:10.3389/ fnsyn.2010.00018. PMID: 21423504
Banerjee A*1 and Ellender TJ* (2009) Oscillations in the developing cortex: a mechanism for establishing and synchronizing an early network? Journal of Neuroscience 29:15029-15030 (* Equal contribution; 1Corresponding author). PMID: 19955353
Conference Abstracts
- Chapman A, Teutsch J, Helmchen FH, Humphries MH, Maggi S, Banerjee A (2022) Bayesian analysis of behavioural strategies at trial-resolution during tactile reversal learning. Abstract 2955, FENS 2022, Paris, France.
- Teutsch J, Rao R, Dimitriou A, Banerjee A (2022) Task-experience-dependent stabilisation of outcome-selective neurons in sensory cortex during reversal learning. Abstract 3667, FENS 2022, Paris, France.
- Tsai M, Teutsch J, Helmchen FH, Banerjee A, Senn W (2022) Flexible sensory representation learning in non-stationary environments. Abstract 2350, FENS 2022, Paris, France.
- Banerjee A, Tsai M, Parente G, Wybo W, Teutsch J, Helmchen F, Senn W (2020) Reversal learning with value backpropagation from lateral orbitofrontal to sensory cortex. AREADNE 2020 Greece.
- Gigliucci V, Busnelli M, Teutsch J, Chini B, and Banerjee A (2020) Investigating IGF-1 and oxytocin crosstalk in the mouse model of Rett syndrome - G.9a Autism spectrum disorders. FENS 2020, Glasgow, UK.
- Banerjee A, Parente G, Teutsch J, Lewis C, and Helmchen F (2019) Distinct local and long-range cortical dynamics in an adaptive decision-making task. Society for Neuroscience, 514.07 Chicago, USA.
- Banerjee A, Parente G, Teutsch J, and Helmchen F (2019) Probing neural dynamics of adaptive decision-making in a tactile reversal-learning task. EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Probing Neural Dynamics with Behavioural Genetics, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Zerbi V. Banerjee A. Wenderoth N (2018) The autism mouse brain connectome project, Society for Neuroscience, S-4116, San Diego, USA.
- Banerjee A et al. (2016) Reduced inhibition and excitation underlies circuit-wide changes in vivo in a mouse model of RTT. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift (Invited submission, RTT50.1 meeting), Austria.
- Li K, Rikhye RV, Banerjee A, and Sur M (2016) Depolarizing GABA receptor causes cortical network deficits in Rett Syndrome, Society for Neuroscience, 764.07, San Diego, USA.
- Banerjee A, Castro J, Woodson J and Sur M (2013) Role of Interneuron Subtypes in Cortical Plasticity and Rett syndrome, BNA 2013, London.
- Banerjee A, Castro J, Woodson J and Sur M (2013) Role of Interneuron Subtypes in Cortical Plasticity and Rett syndrome, BNA 2013, London.
- González-Rueda A, Banerjee A, Paulsen O & Rodríguez-Moreno A (2013) Presynaptic long-term depression at developing L4 to L2/3 synapses in the mouse barrel cortex. BNA 2013, London.
- Scheppach C, Banerjee A, Paulsen O, Robinson H (2012) ‘NMDA-receptor subtypes in L4-stellate and L2/3-pyramidal neurons of barrel cortex; implications for plasticity mechanisms’, Federation of European Neurosciences (FENS)
- González-Rueda A, Banerjee A, Paulsen O, Rodríguez-Moreno A (2012) ‘Presynaptic long-term depression at developing L4 to L2/3 synapses in the mouse barrel cortex’ Federation of European Neurosciences (FENS)
- Mellios N, Sugihara H, Castro J, Banerjee A, Lee C, Kumar A, Crawford B, Strathmann J, Tropea D, Levine S, Edbauer D, Sur M. (2011) ‘miR-132, an experience-dependent microRNA, is essential for ocular dominance plasticity in visual cortex’, Society for Neurosciences, 2011
- Banerjee A, Rodríguez-Moreno A, Paulsen O. (2010) "Anti-Hebbian, Presynaptic, Long-term Self-depression at Excitatory Synapses in Mouse Barrel Cortex" Gordon Research Conference, Synaptic Transmission, Biddeford, Maine.
- Banerjee A, Rodríguez-Moreno A, Paulsen O (2009) ‘Presynaptic NMDA receptor dependent synapse specific t-LTD induction during mouse barrel cortex development’ in ‘Synapses: From Molecules to Circuits & Behavior meeting’, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY.
- Banerjee A, Rodríguez-Moreno A, Paulsen O (2009) ‘Dissociation of synapse specific t-LTD induction rules in mouse barrel cortex’ in Gordon Research Conference, Neural Circuits and Plasticity meeting, 2009.
- Marques Smith A, Banerjee A, Upton L, Paulsen O (2009) ‘STDP in the Barrel Cortex using natural stimuli in vivo’ in Dept. of Exp Psychology, Univ of Oxford.
- Banerjee A, Baptista CS, Rodríguez-Moreno A, Paulsen O (2009) ‘Distinct t-LTD induction rules at horizontal and vertical inputs on layer 2/3 neurons in mouse barrel cortex’ in Society for Neurosciences Abstract 41.9/C76.
- Banerjee A, Rodríguez-Moreno A, Paulsen O (2008) ‘Subunit switching of NMDA receptors and emergence of spike timing dependent plasticity in mouse barrel cortex’ Federation of European Neurosciences (FENS) abstract 143.1, 2008, IBRO Workshop “Complex Neural Networks "From synaptic transmission to seeing the brain in action" Debrecen, Hungary.